Friday, September 28, 2007

What My Sister Thinks About ME!!

Something that I find it interesting to share with everyone…the short paragraph below is how my sister describes me on our family blog…hai… here it goes…

Starting with ah jiun (my Chinese name) :
Our dear mei mei joined fitness first (something like California fitness) about 2 wks ago. Day1, she happily went to one of the fitness class, same goes for day 2.... But when day 3 arrived...


She has to stop exercising for 3 wks.


After 3 days of exercise, she had torn her 'L... (I dunno how to spell the term and she refused to explain to me.... some muscle I assumed). (It was L.I.G.A.M.E.N.T by the way…not a muscle!)

That was news NO.1 about our meimei

Second News...

She is officially gaining weight. AH JIUN is a white-bread (basically FLOUR) addict. One loaf of bread in our house can (AT MOST) last for 4 days because most of the time, we can finish all of them in 2 days time!I am not lying! Even she herself admits that she is gaining weight. Normally when people start gaining weight, they try to get into a diet. Well, our dear sister did try going on a diet. She asked me to cook less for dinner and eat fruits during movies. A healthy, no junk food diet plan!

However.... guess how long it last???

For a person who can never resist snacks temptation, ah jiun diet plan officially lasted for 3 days. Her marketing technique was good though. By day 3, everybody has known about this short-lived diet of hers.
That’s about all the news worthy information about Ah jiun. Honestly, she is not a very interesting person. Her life is her bedroom. She sleeps on her bed and study on her bed. Her only and favourite pastime involves searching the internet for more cartoons. (Its anime, well I guess it really doesn’t make a difference hee :) )
She does not know where the sugar is kept and has no idea that our house has Milo cereal (even though it has been in the kitchen for months!). One morning, when my friend was eating cereal in our house, she asked, “OHH Milo cereal! Where did u get it!!?” >.<

It’s embarrassed to admit but it's entirely true! Oh well what more can I say? My sister understands ME hahahahahha: P

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