Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy 22nd Birthday Kor Kor!

Why celebrate BIRTHDAY?
“The various customs with which people today celebrate their birthdays have a long history. Their origins lie in the realm of magic and religion. The customs of offering congratulations, presenting gifts and celebrating - complete with lighted candles - in ancient times were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and to ensure his security for the coming year.”

My brother is celebrating his 22th birthday today! 老哥,祝你生日快乐,希望你今天玩得很愉快!我在这里祝你,身体健康,工作顺利,心想事成,天天愉快,一年比一年幸福!hee…that’s about all the Chinese greeting I know hahaha. Hope you have a wonderful holiday and hope that today will be a memorable day for you! May all you dreams come true! 加油!oh…also, hope that the legend is true and that this birthday will ensure your safety for the coming years!!!

From: 你老妹

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